When Katie and I were first talking about scheduling these DC engagement photos, she mentioned that she hoped it wouldn’t be one of those freak 98 degree days in DC. Well…it wasn’t. It was only 96 degrees and seriously humid!! But can you tell from these pics?! They totally rocked it out, despite the sweat beads forming on their brows. Me, on the otherhand – I was a sweaty hot mess!
We started at Indigo Landing in Alexandria, where we happened upon a “left-open” dock gate, which I couldn’t have been happier about! I could see the amazing light bouncing off the water and boats, and knew I had to get down on those docks, so someone was looking out for us for sure! After a quick change of clothes and some AC in the car, we headed over to the Jefferson Memorial, for some iconic photos, and enjoyed the sunset.
Katie+Ryan – thanks for such an amazing session!! Can’t wait for your Historic London Town Gardens wedding!!
Much Love, ♥ tPoz
These are sooooo awesome! I love these photos and they seem so happy and so adorable together. She is seriously beautiful. I can’t tell that it was gross and hot! I’m impressed!!
Love that silhouette!
This is seriously one of the cutest engagement sessions that I’ve ever seen! OH MY GOODNESS! Love that life-ring and the cute banner! Nautical all the way!
Dude. These are perfection. I love their outfits (and Frank has that first shirt…might make him wear it next time we take pictures). Such beautiful photos, Teri!!